Quality Policy

Grupo Policlínica has been a  leading healthcare management group since 1969.

With over 50 years of service to the citizens of Ibiza and Formentera, our interest in constantly implementing the latest technology, coupled with a magnificent professional team, and immediate and personalised treatment to each patient, has prevailed.

We strive to promote safety and quality healthcare policies to meet the needs and expectations of all our patients.

For this purpose, Grupo Policlínica (formed by Policlínica Ntra. Sra. del Rosario, Eiviconsulta, Clínica Vila Parc, Logprosa and Clínica Premium-Eiviestetic), establishes, declares and assumes the following principles:

  1. Our healthcare is centred on our patients, and we are concerned about their safety and the satisfaction of their expectations.
  2. We strive to continuously improve the quality of our services with different Clinical Commissions, analysing our data, information and identifying our areas for improvement.
  3. We comply with the legal requirements and regulations applicable to the sector through the Healthcare Ethics and Risk Prevention Committee
  4. We believe that the professional development of the people at Grupo Policlínica is an important driving force for innovation and knowledge. That is why training and retraining are one of our main objectives.
  5. We consider it essential for our patients to be offered modern, innovative equipment adapted to the advancement of technology.
  6. Our personalised service to our patients allows us to be a reference on the island of Ibiza in providing services related to Health Tourism with the utmost courtesy and cordiality. With this in mind, we seek to transmit to our customers the values and pillars of our organisation, such as Familiarity, Responsibility, Trust, Honesty/Transparency, Human Quality, Respect, Ethics, Improvement, Effort, Confidentiality and Sustainability. Thinking like a patient is our value.
  7. The Policlínica Group addresses clinical decisions using a scientific evidence-based methodology. It conscientiously, judiciously and explicitly uses the best available evidence from scientific research in making decisions about the health of our patients.
  8. Grupo Policlínica offers our patients and users a personalised, safe transport service adapted to their needs, demands and expectations.

Our Quality and Safety Policy, which serves as a framework for setting and reviewing Quality and Strategic Objectives, is in place, updated and communicated to all our employees.

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